Miguel Angel Utreras Imilmaqui 

    Date of birth 10th of December 1966. 
    Nationality Chilean. 
    Profesion Actor/dancer, pedagoge. 


    Poul Paghs gade 9-A st.th. 9000 Aalborg. tlf. (++ 45) 98770566. 


    1985-1987 Philosophy at The Chilean State University (Universidad de Chile) in Santiago. 
    1985-1987 Interdisciplinary Theatre laboratorium at The Chilean State University in Santiago. 
    1987-1988 Modern Dance at The Center for Modern Art: “Espiral", Santiago. 

    1986- 1988 I worked as an actor and pedagoge in the Chilean Theater group “TEUCO".
     We created performances in a modern style with a strong political meaning. 


    1.“La Cándida Eréndira", de Gabriel García Marquez.

     2. “Krutania", Creación colectiva del Teuco.

     3. “El último traje del emperador", de H.C. Andersen.

     4. “Cocolina, pobre Cocolina", Creación Colectiva del Teuco.

     5. “Neruda...en sueños", de Miguel Utreras y TEUCO.

    We were invited to perform in different festivals around South América (Argentina, Colombia,Uruguay,Venezuela), Central América (Nicaragua, Cuba), U.S.A, Canada, México and Europe.

    We were teaching in different social projects and in our own theater School: Masks, movement, dance, voice, acting. 

    1989 I started a new Theater group with actors from The Chilean State University: TOTEM.

    1. “Historia de una Señora", Relato Colombiano.

     2. “Caleuche", de Miguel Utreras.

    Furthermore, we were teaching theater in different institutions: Sindicates, Schools. 

    1990-1992 I worked as a freelance actor in three plays.

    “El Principito", de Antoine de Saint-Éxùpery.

     “La casa de Bernarda Alba", de Federico garcía Lorca.

     “Alsino Mapuche", de Pedro Prado.

    I worked as pedagoge in different institutions (Escuela Taller de Santiago, Fundación de La familia).

    1992-1994 Together with other Indian Artists I created “The Center For Indian Art and Culture" in Santiago, Chile.
     I was the chairman of Research of Traditional Knowledge and Art. During these two years I also worked in different researchprojects regarding my culture. 


    La tradición oral y el canto Mapuche (Oral tradition and singing in the Mapuche Culture).

     Performing Arts en la Cultura Mapuche.

     Danzas de la Tierra Mapuche ( Dances from the Mapuche Land).

    1993-1994  In 1993 I was invited to work in Mexico in an exchange program about art in Mexican Indian Cultures (Nahuas, Purépechas, Huichol).
     I worked as a guest teacher in The Institute of Art in Mexico City and in The University Autonome of Mexico. I made a seminarium about the Mapuche Culture.

     In 1993 (December) I was invited to make a conference in The World Indigenous Peoples Conference about Education. in Wallongong, Australia.

    I created two solo performances where I used elements from the Mapuche Tradition:

    1. Historia de un Naufragio (The story of the drowning man).

     2. Kütralwe (The fire place).

    1994 -1995 I was invited to participe in the Odin Teatret Jubileum in Holstebro Denmark (September)
    I worked in “The Ethnical Theater laboratorium Project" with Inuit actors from Tûkak teater, and a Quecchua actor from Perú. 

    I did a work exchange experience with people from the Folkemusikhuset i Hogager and I worked as a guest teacher in the Vestjyllands Højskole during five months. Furthermore, I did several workshops around Denmark (e.g. Copenhagen , Fjaltring, Lemvig, Århus).

    1995 I visited Hungary. I worked in a training process with the theater group “Arvisura" in Budapest. 
    Me and an Hungarian musician and actor, visited the Hungarians and Gypsies from Transilvania to learn about their music, dances, songs and stories.

    In September I was a guest teacher in The Art Institute of Turku, Finland

    From October to December, I taught at the project “Balmaceda 1215", which is an art project for youth in Santiago, Chile.



    January- July. I worked as a teacher in Arcis University in Santiago-Chile, in the Theater Department and in the Dance Department.
    1996-1997 July 96 - January 97. I made several workshops at schools, 
    Seminars, and Højskoler different places in Denmark. (Vestjyllands Højskole, Brandbjerg Højskole, Langeland Højskole, Fjaltring Friskole,København Universitet Dance Department, Folkemusikhuset i Hogager, Lemvig Stats skole, etc.) 
    1998 March. Workshop in a Symposium for Terapists in Washingtong D.C, U.S.A.
    August- December. Teacher at the Byhøjskole in Aarhus in the field of dance and improvisation.
    October- December. Colaborator and traslator with “La Mueca" a mexican theater emsemble, during their tour in Denmark.

    January-June. Dance improvisation teacher at the Byhøjskole in Aarhus.Denmark.